Dünyanın Atmosferi Nasıl Oluştu?
Many people may have asked this question at least once in their lifetime: How did the Earth’s atmosphere form? Let’s start at the beginning. Earth’s original atmosphere was probably made of hydrogen, helium, and hydrogen-rich gases. These gases are really light, and molecules of hydrogen and helium move very fast, especially when warm. The solar winds from the Sun were able to blow these gases out into space easily. This means, the first gases escaped into space, and the Earth did not have an atmosphere for a period of time.
Earth’s second atmosphere came from Earth itself. There were too many volcanoes, and the events happening inside Earth’s interior caused a lot of volcanic activity on the surface. The volcanoes released steam, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen into the air in a process called outgassing. In that phase, the atmosphere was composed mostly of these gases. Therefore, it was extremely hot, and dense. There were no living things on Earth at all.
Once the atmosphere cooled, steam, or water vapor in the air began to condense, which created precipitation. As a result, oceans formed. Much of the carbon dioxide dissolved in the oceans. Eventually, a simple form of bacteria developed, which was followed by more complex organisms such as blue-green algae. They could live on energy from the sun and carbon dioxide in the water, producing oxygen as a waste product. This process is called Photosynthesis. Consequently, carbon dioxide levels continuously dropped, and oxygen began to build in the atmosphere.
As plants continued to evolve, more and more oxygen was released into the air. Then, it became an oxygen-rich atmosphere, which contains enough oxygen for animals and us to evolve and live. The atmosphere which life depends on was created by life itself.
All in all, as we understand from the evolution of atmosphere; Photosynthesis is vital for all living organisms, because it provides the oxygen needed by most living creatures for survival on the planet. Therefore, we must do whatever we can to prevent deforestation for the sake of all living things on our planet.